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Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Hello, this is Ra, with another story about this clans past life. When I was just a kit, I had no family. I was a gift from Ra, so he was my creator. Pyramid was my only family, he took me in from the start. He was a kind cat, though not everyone had the chance to say hello to him. He was, of course, the medicine cat, so cats would not really want to be staying with him (they would be sick or hurt!), but I thought he was the best. Pyramid was a somewhat scary looking cat, he had huge, bulging eyes, and not one shred of fur on him! This was great for the got tempature, but he often scared the kits off! He had immideatly known that I was destined to be leader, he had a strong connection with Ra the god. On that one night, when he had talken to the leader, he had convinced him to make me leader. Pyramid was my best friend, but during the epidemic, he worked all hours of the day and night, refusing to eat: the sick cats needed the meat. He eventually fell ill, and died later that day. His loss is greatly mourned. Now, if you check the new cats in our clan, we have a new meicine cat, Snowangle. Check out her picture on the list of cats!

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